These are poplar boxes. Science will no doubt one day discover that they serve a useful purpose, but to date they are just the residue of my desire to make dove-tail boxes using only hand tools and to scratch drawings into their facades.

The striped bass is freshly stained and on the workbench. The great blue heron has settled into the patina which is the final state of both pieces. When bas reflief dove-tail boxes become all the rage, you'll know I was a pioneer.
Hey, I like your boxes.
Found you from AoS. You were spot on with your comment there.
Hey, I like your boxes.
Found you through AoS. Your comment was spot on.
I looove your fish box. My son had at one time a bedroom that was done entirely in a camping/fishing theme That would have been a great toybox for him. Instead I had to get a plain wood box and stencil in the word, "FIREWOOD" and then age it, but I think I would have liked the fish box better. Very nice.
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